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Hidden away amongst the trees about an hour outside Copenhagen is Olivia Salo's summerhouse and the first thing you notice is a curious and affectionate little white dog, Joey. While the opulent garden came ready-made with the property, the indoors are a pure reflection of Olivia - a calm color palette inspired by nature, encouraging a blend of tranquility and vibrancy. Known for her down-to-earth and charismatic personality, Olivia Salo is a great host (whether it be on TV or in real life) and along with her partner Sofus, they have curated this little getaway to reflect nature, calmness, relaxation, and always an open door to all her friends and family.

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What inspired you to get a summer house?

We have been drawn to the idea of a get-away place to call our own. A place where we could rewind and recharge and create beautiful memories with our friends and family, and our little new baby, that will be arriving soon. We wanted a place that was maximum an hour drive away from Copenhagen, close to the water and the ferry line from Jylland, so Sofus' friends and family could visit easily as well.

How do you typically spend your days at your summer house?

Absolutely no alarm clock. Whoever wakes up first, will make a pot of coffee. I have started baking, so every 3 days I will make a fresh batch of buns, then we’ll usually take a long walk and go swimming. Depending on the weather we will either spend a day in the garden, decorating or lighting up the fireplace.

How would you describe your interior design style?

I was very determined to keep the colors in the summerhouse calm and the color palette should reflect nature, because it surrounds the whole property. At the same time, I can’t help popping in a splash of color, but I was determined that they would be dewy. Calm, and cosy are the vibes here.

How do you envision your life changing once you become a family of three?

I cannot begin to imagine how our life will look like when our baby arrives. With that said, I really thrive knowing that we will continue living life as we already do, just with a small sidekick to make everything more interesting. I’m a sucker for love and always have been, so I’m just excited to meet this tiny human, that we have created from love.

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Coffee or tea?

Coffee. Filtered with oat milk.

What’s a secret that others don’t
know about you?

I talk to myself. A lot. Something I picked up from my dad, that has full on conversation with himself.

What’s your favorite place to relax in Copenhagen?

I would always go to rewind and relax at
“Amazing Space Spa” at D’Angletere.

What’s the best piece of advice
you’ve ever received?

Trust the process.

What’s one thing you can’t live without?

Can someone please invent a drug
that makes pets live forever??

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Finish these 4 sentences: 

The best thing about my job is...
That I never know what will happen tomorrow or next year.

When I need to relax I...
Go for a long long walk.

One thing that always makes me smile is...
Sofus and Joey.

If I could travel anywhere, it would be to...
Japan!! I was there just before Covid and I fell in love with Tokyo.
Now I want to travel all over Japan.