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Hanni Gohr is a multi-creative with roots in the fashion industry and a deep passion for art and interiors. Raised on the West Coast of Jutland, she carries a down-to-earth "country mentality" that keeps her grounded, living the big city life. Though fashion remains a key part of her professional life, Hanni's true passion lies in smaller creative projects, particularly dreaming of creating a children's book using her unique collages. Her home in the heart of Copenhagen is a testament to her eclectic style: a blend of cozy nooks, natural light, and thoughtful design - a perfect backdrop for her ongoing creative exploration.

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For those (the few) who don't know you, would you like to introduce yourself?

My name is Hanni Gohr and I am a creative born out of the fashion industry. I continue to work in that field, but interiors and small creative projects are my passion. I dream about making a children’s book with my collages.

What environment did you grow up in and how has it shaped you, your style and your goals today?

I grew up in a little town on the West Coast of Jutland. I still carry that country-mentality with me, something I am very proud to have and I also keep as my core, especially living big city life. You need the perspectives in life, I think. I do think my traveling and living abroad has shaped me most of all - I felt so free and every day was a new adventure, good and bad, but still, that has shaped me in so many ways.

How did you and your family end up in this flat in the heart of Copenhagen?

I moved to Copenhagen when I was 18, then lived abroad for over a decade and when I met my boyfriend, we found a place to create our own home together. It was an instant attraction for me when I saw how the natural light moved through the apartment.

Can you describe your home to us?

We did a big renovation before moving in, so the whole layout is something we planned from scratch and I am very happy with how it turned out. The kitchen and living room are one big room, with little cosy nooks spread out, like our couch in one corner, daybed near one of the terraces and in the kitchen where you overlook the whole room while cooking. The bigger things like the flooring and furnitures are very classical, but otherwise our place is filled with colorful tokens of our travels, our art and many many books. A very roomy, homey place, just they way we dreamed it.

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What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

A lot of great advice in retrospect, that I wish I hade taken, haha! No actually, I think, I am a person that seeks advice when I want it and advice is wasted on me, when I am not ready. You live and you learn. When I do seek advice, I’ll always turn to my dad first, his calmness always keeps me grounded.

When I need inspiration…

Traveling is definitely a huge source of inspiration, but also great movies and the inevitable instagram too. But truly, if I need inspiration, I have to create it myself, I have to use my hands somehow and start cutting papers or write with a pencil. I need to activate the creative side by doing something physical with my hands, if that makes sense.

A project I am working on right now is…

Our summer house, we are drawing on a new house, that will be less vulnerable to the climate changes, so it can be a little restful place in nature.

One quality I really appreciate in other people is…

weirdness, I really do, it calms me. What is normal anyway!? I also do appreciate when people look you in the eyes and gives you their time and listens to you.

What I value most in my home is…

still my first big furniture buy, a vintage sideboard from the 1960s.
I have had for about 20 years now.

The feeling of home for me is…

a nest, a safety, where you can tell that life is lived - our life.

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The last text I sent said…

To my niece: I wish it was me ❤️

On my wish list is…

I am dreaming of a new dinner table.

My best clothing purchase ever is…

A Balenciaga windbreaker in an outlet in LA and there’s so much more.

I feel my best when…

it's summer and I am near the ocean.

Your five favorite places/activities in Copenhagen:

1. Hart bakery’s a bun with cheese - just to go, a sunny spot on a bench or a car ride to the summer house, in the I am simple like that.

2. Riga, all summer long. Natural wine and grilled toasts in the sun. Really chilled spot.

3. I am a member of Vinterbad Bryggen (winter bathing) and the sauna combined with ice-cold ocean plunges is the best.

4. Senses Yoga, I am addicted to the hot yoga classes

5. Værnedamsvej, is my neighboring street, and is so easy for meeting up with friends and for food, tea or drinks.