Fabienne Meyer, the founder of Supergloo PR agency, is not only a seasoned PR professional but also an accomplished painter with a profound passion for lively colors. Upon stepping into her apartment, we were instantly compelled by her artwork and the colored walls that adorned the space. Fabienne's adept use of color in interior design showcases her artistic flair and contributes to the inspiring and visually striking environment.
We also visited Supergloo, Fabienne's Berlin-based boutique agency, redefining storytelling and communication. Despite its youth, the agency has attracted numerous clients, especially from scandinavia. Supergloo thrives on innovative strategies and a people-centric approach to multi-channel communication, recognizing that traditional pr alone is no longer the sole key to brand awareness. We were delighted to see both spaces with twin sofas!

Can you tell us a bit about your creative process when working on a new painting?
I’ve been working a lot on series in the past few months, so I usually take some time to work on a concept before I truly start putting color to canvas or paper. I collect inspirations (sometimes things like the edge of a table in a restaurant I sneak a photo of) and loosely plan how large the series will be and some main themes. When I start painting it sometimes feels like a rush and I paint three days straight — but sometimes it’s also a very long and quite painful processof self doubt and re painting and even destroying. I feel that I constantly evolve somuch in my art and love that it always still surprises me.
Which feelings, memories or mood do you want your paintings to
evoke in the eye of the beholder?
I think this is really difficult to answer because it can be so very personal. I want my paintings to make people feel something — I think that’s what every artist wants. To create something that is of meaning to another person. Not everyone has to resonate with my works, but if some people do, that’s really motivating and exciting. I know exactly how it feels to connect with an artwork (and a lot of times I couldn’t explain why, but when I see a painting that truly speaks to me and stare at it for what feels like hours). If people feel this way about my works – regardless of if it makes them happy or sad — then I think I’ve done my work right.
Are there any specific colors or elements of Berlin that inspire your paintings?
I don’t think so much the places inspire my work process but I have personally spent such defining years in Berlin, that I feel I can’t separate the city completely from the works. The people I met in the past five years, the places I fell in love with — that’s probably all in there even if I can’t put a finger on it.
As the founder of Supergloo - what do you enjoy most about working in PR?
I always loved telling stories — in painting and in writing. PR is basically just that: Telling stories in a way that people want to share them. That’s what got me into PR in the first place and it still is what Supergloo is in core very much about. Also, no campaign, no client or week is quite like the other and there is so much that falls under PR from copywriting to event planning and creative campaign productions.
As an entrepreneur where passion and work life unite - how do you balance your work
and your private life? What do you do to re-charge?
I feel this question was asked the most in the last years but looking at my answers now I don’t think that it was always that honest haha. It isn’t a piece of cake and I don’t think I could do / balance it that „well“ if I wasn’t so utterly passionate about what I do. The past years I put work (and with work I mean my firm and my art) first a lot and didn’t have that much time to recharge I guess. I feel — and I hope I would agree with myself looking back in a couple of years — that I have really improved in that sense that I take time for myself, my friends and just being present in the moment. Regarding what I do to recharge: I am a homebody and a total movie buff, so re-watching a classic or discovering a new series or film, definitely slows me down.

How would you describe 'the feeling of home', and how have you
created a home around it yourself?
I once said I was a minimalist and it’s probably the biggest lie I ever told haha. I created my home with my partner in a very natural way I think — when you move in you have to make compromises and see what fits and I love it when objects have a little story. So we both collect a lot from vinyls to action figures to art. Our home is a very eclectic space where you can always find something new (and it probably has a little story behind it). Being a rather introverted person, feeling home is super important for me to recharge. So I am very glad to have such a cozy space to live in.
What made you go for the TWIN sofa?
The TWIN is actually the first interior object that my partner and I got together for the new apartment four years ago. And it was the best purchase. Being so much into movies, we eat a lot in front of the TV so basically it is the heart of our apartment. The place where I sketch new paintings on my iPad, the place where I founded my company during the pandemic and when we have sleepover guests, it’s their bed. It really was the best decision.
Top three places in Berlin that you absolutely love?
1. York Cinemas — there are so many good ones, but if I’d have to pick one it’s the cinema at Mehringdamm.
2. The Marheineke Markthalle (and I really shouldn’t say this because it feels like such a hidden gem) we go there every week and stroll the little flea market in front of it and then get all weekend groceries at the Markthalle.
3. The baseball field at Tempelhoferfeld