In the midst of his 20s, Daniel Overbeck is already a trailblazer, managing an innovative hybrid of production and advertising at Newborn Media. He recently moved into an apartment in Frederiksberg, and once inside, it is clear he is passionate when it comes to interiors. His cool green-on-green living room, where design classics seamlessly integrate, adds a sense of quality and an aesthetic calm to his home.We immediately jumped into conversation discussing fresh starts, the closure of chapters, and the exploration of new interests with Daniel it's as though we've been old friends, just picking up where we left off! The apartment is a perfect example of his hybrid professions, mixing the old classics with the new, and his transparency and openness to express intimacy are contagious. Naming his company "Newborn" signifies a rebirth, mirroring the crossroads Daniel has faced and all the exciting things to come!

Which project in your portfolio has made a significant impact on you and why?
I recently did a project with a Danish organisation that helps and supports children in third-world countries through sport and mentorship. Not only did we produce content that felt really meaningful but we also helped the client raise money for the project through investors. The organisation's name is Sport4a/future, and you can view the project at www.newborn.dk
Naming your company "Newborn" suggests a fresh start. Can you elaborate on the significance of this name and how it ties into your journey and the work you do?
Throughout my childhood and teenage years I carried this feeling of being different, and in the process of coping with all these feelings I adopted some bad habits at a very young age. When I was 18 I decided to put parties and alcohol away for a year to prove to myself that I can take better care of myself and during that time the name came to me because I wanted my brand to express one thing; hope. Every day you get the chance to start over and there's always hope for a better tomorrow, no matter what.
What challenges did you face when starting Newborn, and how did you overcome them / or move on from them?
Over the years I've faced many challenges, both big and small. As an entrepreneur you're always afraid of all the things that can go wrong, and I have made a lot of mistakes! But every wrongdoing has taught me something and I have learned that the best way to overcome is by continuing. If you let your mistakes define your goals or dreams, you will never evolve and achieve. A lot of challenges will come your way when you choose to have your own company. Like Elon Musk says: Having a company is like staring into the abyss while eating glass for breakfast. But the award is also big, both mentally and financially.

What advice do you have for aspiring creatives looking to start their own ventures?
If you have a story to tell, tell it, if you have an idea, go for it. Taking the plunge and beginning the
journey is the biggest step of them all. As soon as
the ball is rolling, every decision and step will
seem smaller and smaller. Suddenly you've come
a long way from starting out with nothing.
Your home seems to be a source of inspiration to you - to us as well! Have you always been interested in interior design?
Aesthetics pleases me. As a child I always kept my room neat and clean. I remember I had this rule that if I got a new video game, I couldn't start playing it before my room was clean. My focus is usually very directed at one thing at a time, which is why I also need my surroundings to feed me energy. I have a hard time focusing on my work if my surroundings are messy and I feel the most inspired when a space feels calm and aesthetically pleasing to me. Just recently I started investing in classic design as I want my home to express the quality I put into the work I do for my clients, and the quality I strive to deliver in everything I do.
What made you go for the green boucle MAGMA sofa?
I wanted something voluminous and different. I've owned several white and beige sofas but a green sofa
that despite it’s size seems distinctively picturesque with a light expression, and with its curved shape it’s the
perfect piece of furniture for my creative oasis; my home. It's not only comfortable and
beautiful, it's also filled with details that show the quality.
How would you describe 'the feeling of home', and how have you created a home
around it yourself?
For me the feeling of home is a state of mind. You can have a home, but to feel at home is something completely different. I know what it feels like to live in a really expensive apartment, but not feel at home at all. I also know how it is to feel more at home in your office than in your apartment. The feeling of home sneaks up on me when I invest in my home, in new furniture, a paint upgrade and plants. If you put your head into it, your heart will follow, so if you invest your time and energy in your home and the people in it, you will also feel at home. My home must serve me inspiration and be a place where I can gather all the pieces and people that I love.
As a true Copenhagen'er - how does the city's atmosphere influence your creativity?
For several years I lived in the center of Copenhagen next to Nørreport. My office is located a 10 minute walk from there so I walked across the city centre every day to and from work. I initially moved to the centre of the city to have a more flexible calendar with everything and everyone within reach. I was so inspired creatively living here but moving to Frederiksberg gave me neighbors close by and a sense of community which has inspired me in
other ways, listening to their stories.

What is your favorite thing to do in Copenhagen?
Strolling the city on a warm summer evening with a coffee and my camera exploring and observing people on their daily commute is something I really enjoy. In my opinion nothing beats summer time in Copenhagen, whether I’m enjoying it on my balcony or in a park with friends and a glass of wine, that’s my favorite city activity.
Which upcoming projects or creative pursuits are you currently excited about?
I'm working on several personal projects at the moment, one of them is a film called "Restart". It's a letter to my old self, a reminder that it’s never too late to make changes in your life and to start over. I know now that my future looks bright and happy, but I think it’s so important to stress that in order to get there, you might need to make sacrifices and experience loss. But starting all over - restarting - will transform you for the better. We're working on some funding so that we can create more films like this that explore mental health topics. Projects like this make me feel That's when I think my work really makes sense.
Which upcoming projects or creative pursuits are you currently excited about?
If money wasn’t an object I would…
keep doing what I'm doing right now. How lucky am I to be feeling this way?
I would also buy a new Formel A sofa for my office!
I know I shouldn’t but I…
sometimes work too much that I don’t have the time to see my family as much as I want.
You can’t go wrong with… a black coffee!
The best advice I have ever received is…
The faster you learn to make decisions, the less time you'll spend worrying about the results.
I would never… eat coriander.