Astrid B. Andersen manages the showroom of the renowned Copenhagen-based textile company Arne Axel, so it comes as no surprise when you enter her home, a colorful oasis at Nørrebro in Copenhagen! Astrid's way of combining colorful furniture and textiles from contemporary design to classic vintage is brilliant. You instantly feel how Astrid's lively and welcoming personality translates to her interior style with beautiful art decorating the walls, and it becomes quite obvious that every interior detail has a story.

Which song would you say sums you up the best?
It has to be “Dancing Queen” by Abba.
What is the recipe for obtaining a colorful, yet balanced home?
Stick to a color scheme to a certain extent! We ended up choosing baby blue, baby pink and a dash of orange in the living room. Right now however I dream of having more brown and black leather. I think the contrast between cute and raw is a nice combination when it comes to interior.
What's the most interesting thing you can see out of your kitchen window?
There’s a large wall painting on the building across from my kitchen window. There’s a plexiglass art piece installed on it which gives the most beautiful shades of reflecting pink and orange light. We also have a company based in the yard below us that hosts parties all the time. It just gives such a fun and vibrant vibe.
What's your favourite thing about your job?
My favorite part of my job is that I'm able to express myself in creative ways. And to constantly meet interesting people.
What do you love most about your TWIN sofa?
The width of TWIN! I also just love that it’s so comfy and spacious that we can easily fit into it. Hangover days? Easy! A weekend guest? No problem!
Favorite café in Copenhagen?
My favorite café in Copenhagen? I’ll never give up that secret. It’s already so hard to get a table!
Tell us a secret!
Life is what you make of it, so let’s make it rock!